The single issue that causes us more stress than anything
else at Best is that of fees in lieu of notice. Read on for tales of mysterious
line faults, courtroom drama and general stress...
Our notice requirements are clear and simple - we ask people to give us half a term’s
notice, given at half term, of a child’s intention to leave at the end of that
term, or half a term’s fees are payable in lieu of notice. We make no secret of
this – the terms appear on all our bills, on the initial registration form and
in our terms and conditions of business.
Half a term’s notice is absolutely standard in any school
like ours – indeed some classes want a full term. Notice enables us to put in
place plans to make sure we fill whatever spaces we have left. If we get notice
later than that it’s simply too late for us to do anything about it – with
schools on holiday we can’t get our message out to the public. Of course we
hate losing any of our wonderful students but we much prefer knowing at the
earliest possible time that they are going and definitely at or before half
Now the vast majority of our parents have fully understood
these requirements and have no problem in complying. Of those that are, for
whatever reason, unable to give us the required notice most are fully
understanding of the requirement for fees in lieu and often, because of their
honesty and ‘upfrontness’ we are moved to soften the blow a little...
It is the tiny minority of others who either claim ignorance
of the terms or deliberately ignore them, that cause us so much stress and
Let us be absolutely clear - this is NOT a money thing. Fees
in lieu do nothing for us, it’s a filled place that we want! But our terms have
to have some teeth or our school would be impossible to run. How could we go
into a new term not knowing how many children were going to turn up? And the chasing and securing of fees in lieu ends up costing
us far more in time and stress than the actual £ amount would ever cover. But it is only fair that we apply these terms
with absolute consistency. If we let some parents off because they complain or
simply ignore us it is manifestly unfair on the vast majority who have given
proper notice or willingly settled fees in lieu.
So we are left in a bit of a no-win situation. We try and
talk to people and again may even make an offer for an early settlement. At
this stage again most people will realise that it’s a fair system and the issue
will be resolved. But for others...some offer settlement cheques which are then
bounced, some put the phone down on us, some pretend not to be there (yes,
really!) and some just get cross and threaten us with all manner of potential PR horrors . In one extreme case a few years ago all four
of those things happened and in the worst moment of all a poor child was told by her mother (audibly to
me over the phone) to tell me ‘Mum’s gone out!’
Where people decide to be silly about all this we are left
with no other course than to see the terms through, even if that means going to
court. Now, thankfully although we’ve issued proceedings three times (which I
guess isn’t bad in 15 years) we’ve only had to go to court once and in that
case the judge ruled in our favour in a matter of seconds. We didn’t even get
the chance to shout “The truth? You can’t handle the truth!” The parents
concerned had to cover the court costs and only avoided a CCJ by paying a
cheque over in front of the judge. But it was a hollow victory for us - we
hated every second of the process. It’s not what we are here to do.
So if anyone out there ever has any questions on our notice
period – PLEASE DO ASK US!!! Obviously we don’t want tom lose your child, but
we definitely don’t want to have to ask for fees in lieu.
It's not about the money, we just want to make the world dance (act & sing)!
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